Clarification of Filing Requirements Regarding In-Transit Shipments and Other FTR Provisions


The U.S. Census Bureau has issued a proposed rule to amend regulations governing export reporting requirements, with an emphasis on clarifying procedures for in-transit shipments, the role of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI), and the responsibilities of customs brokers.

This proposal aims to clarify export procedures for goods originating abroad that pass through the United States before reaching their final destination. Notably, the amendments define the USPPI for goods imported for consumption or warehousing, specifying when entities such as warehouses, storage facilities, or Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs) may be designated as the USPPI based on their knowledge and control over the goods.

Additionally, the rule requires customs brokers, when acting as the USPPI and sharing customs entry information to file the Electronic Export Information (EEI), to obtain consent from their clients per customs regulations.

To enhance clarity and consistency, the proposed amendments revise several Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) sections. These revisions include updated definitions, mandatory EEI filing requirements, details on the responsibilities of parties in export transactions, confidentiality protocols, penalties, and guidelines on voluntary self-disclosures.

The Census Bureau encourages public feedback on the proposed changes. Written comments will be accepted until December 30, 2024.

89 FR 86762

Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR): Clarification of Filing Requirements Regarding In-Transit Shipments and Other FTR Provisions


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